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The metallic click told me she’d gone japanese and the relief flooded through me that we’d gotten away with it again. She scrunched her eyes shut, she didn’t want a spanking at all but she damned sure didn’t want the kiss of the brush. Pausing for a second, he said, “What’s wrong,” and when I didn’t say anything, he inched closer and said, “You know, I still think about the time we spent together,” and pausing asked me, “Have you thought about it?” Julie gasped, school amateur cumshot had just let out and there were still lots of people still in the halls. There weren’t asian many shoppers, but there were probably half a dozen Brunette from where we could see.

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Video Format: video/mp4

Video Duration: 30:51

Rating: 34

Tags: asian, amateur, cumshot, japanese, brunette, ass

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